This was a short-and-simple project, but the results were dramatic. The log siding on the south wall of this home in Surry was thirstier than a poet on payday. When was the siding last treated? Nobody knows, but the new owner had us take care of it before she even moved in. The stain was badly worn – nonexistent in some places – and mold saw this is prime real estate.
The first step was to pressure wash the wall. As one apprentice cleaned the substrate, another was working on the porch. (More on that in a moment.) After allowing the wall to dry out for a few days, the real fun commenced as we began applying WeatherSeal stain from Continental Products.
The first step was to pressure wash the wall. As one apprentice cleaned the substrate, another was working on the porch. (More on that in a moment.) After allowing the wall to dry out for a few days, the real fun commenced as we began applying WeatherSeal stain from Continental Products.
And that front porch mentioned earlier? It, too, was badly worn. After a full sand, two coats of Woodscapes solid stain were applied to the trim boards, and the decking was treated with SuperDeck semi transparent stain (Redwood).