With self-proclaimed professional house painters seemingly a dime a dozen, it’s only natural to ask why you should consider Gatcomb Painting & Design. Well, we can think of a few things that set us apart from other painters.
- We're not handymen. We are insured professionals who have dedicated decades of our lives to learning the ins and outs of our trade and perfecting our craft. Erick frequently attends manufacturer demonstrations and trade shows to remain up-to-date on products and regulations. We have a reputation for excellence, and an unwavering determination to leave your home looking the very best that it can.
- We're equipped to do the job. Many individuals who declare themselves professional painters simply aren't equipped for large jobs. We invest in the proper tools, and we have all the necessary ladders, scaffolding and safety equipment to properly refinish your home.
- We believe in, and display, utmost professionalism on the jobsite.
- “Messy painters aren’t good, good painters aren’t messy.” Our painters clean up at the end of every work day, and conduct a full cleanup upon completion of the job. There’s no need for your home or yard to be cluttered or messy, even when a renovation is in progress.
- You know who you’re dealing with. Erick is an accessible contractor, well-known and well-liked. We are locally recognized for our commitment to a job-well-done, and we are always happy to further bolster our reputation with the wonderful references provided by clients.
- Gatcomb Painting & Design has a national presence. We have been featured in various trade magazines and are the proud recipients of five national TOP JOB Awards from American Painting Contractor. Erick is also a regular contributor to The Paint Contractor, the St. Louis-based magazine for professional painters.